
Person with arms outstretched, holding weights in each hand, performing an exercise or strength training

Physiotherapy & Exercise Programmes

Enhance your mobility, strength, and overall well-being with our tailored programmes for individuals with MS.


About MS

Information On Multiple Sclerosis

Blue graphic of a Flipchart

Just Diagnosed

Common Questions When First Diagnosed


Care Givers

Information For Care Givers

Access to medicines

What We Do

Services We Provide Throughout Ireland

Two people standing together, with one holding a large magnifying glass in front of the camera, symbolising research and investigation


Latest News And Updates In MS Research

Tough Mud

Get Involved/Careers

Support and work for MS Ireland Today

Clear blue sky above the new MS Resource Centre in Limerick, with a tall tree in the foreground

Refit and Renovation Projects 2024/2025

MS Ireland is embarking on two major renovation and refit projects as part of our commitment to renewing our services and ensuring we continue to provide the highest quality of care for people living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in Ireland. These projects will remodel our existing facilities and enable us to expand our services to meet the growing needs of the MS community.

MS Care Centre view

The MS Care Centre

The MS Care Centre is the only dedicated respite centre for people with Multiple Sclerosis in Ireland and is a place for residents to learn more about their MS and find ways to self-manage their condition.

It offers short-term respite care to people with MS and other neurological conditions, therapeutic services, neurological assessments and many social activities in a homely environment in the suburbs of Dublin.

headshots of ms and me bloggers


Our community of bloggers share their thoughts on every aspect of life with MS. Keep up-to-date with our MS and Me Blog Team.

Government of Ireland Logo and Pobal Logo

The Scheme to Support National Organisations is funded by the Government of Ireland through the Department of Rural and Community Development

CII Triple Lock Member 2023