How Many Schools??

Let us tell you...

Around this time of year, every year, we get into major excitement mode every time the post arrives or an email pops in. Why, you might ask? Well it's because this means another school or young person has signed up to take part in the MS READaTHON!

So naturally we're so excited to say that 379 schools have signed up - so far - to this year's MS READaTHON. This means that THOUSANDS of young people are at this very moment picking out which books they're going to read, setting sponsorship targets and getting ready to start next Friday! Isn’t that incredible?!

We are encouraging schools around Ireland to read all of your favourite books (and hopefully with our help, some brand new ones) for a whole month while raising money to help fund community-based support services for people with MS all over Ireland.

Sign Up TODAY!

