Update: Exploring Couples’ Shared Experiences of Multiple Sclerosis

Interim progress report

A Psychologist in Clinical Training, Serena Carberry, is researching couples experience of MS as part of her Doctoral research with the University of Limerick. We are looking for people with MS and their partner to take part in this study. If you agree to take part, you will be asked to take part in a joint interview together with your partner on Microsoft Teams. We will ask you questions about your relationship, your experience of MS, and how you cope.


We are currently in the recruitment phase of the study, as of July 2023. We have learned a lot from the couples who have taken part in interviews and shared their experiences with us. We are hoping to recruit several more couples, who are happy to be interviewed together, in the coming months. We are now offering a 15 euro one-for-all vouchers as a token of appreciation for the time and contribution of couples to our research efforts. Ultimately, we hope this study will help researchers and clinicians to understand how to better support couples, where one partner has MS.

To get involved

If you are interested in taking part in this study, please contact the project researcher Serena Carberry on 0861958222 or 20031912@studentmail.ul.ie.  
