Case Work

Our casework service aims to enhance the personal and social functioning of each Person with MS or family by working collaboratively on problem-solving and coping capacities using a solution-focused approach.

Our service is confidential and we aim to provide information as needed, support those who may be coming to terms with their diagnosis and beyond that and to refer to other services and organisations if needed.

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How We can help

We can work as required on the telephone or facilitate a meeting on a zoom online session if this is preferable (we can meet in person at home/clinic or another appropriate setting, when not under government restrictions ).

There is a straightforward referral and consent process which the Regional Worker will go through with you before commencing work on any issues you may have.

Casework provides individual and family support in the following ways

  • Providing support at the time of Diagnosis at a one to one/family level and providing newly diagnosed information sessions/meetings.
  • Provide emotional support beyond diagnosis for any issues that may arise and working through these in a solution-focused way.
  • Making necessary referrals to other agencies or professionals for resources and services, to promote the well being of the Person with MS.
  • Provide support and information on such areas as symptom management, employment, housing, education, etc.
  • Advocate at a local level and feed issues into MS Ireland's national advocacy strategy.
  • Representing or liaising with other service providers on a person/family’s behalf.
  • Linking with our voluntary branch network as part of our collaborative work with the Person with MS where appropriate e.g. if financial assistance is required to help cover a shortfall re: the costs of some expenses associated with the condition.
  • Counselling is offered on a time-limited basis to people with MS who wish to express their feelings and emotions related to MS in a safe environment. In this confidential environment, a counsellor works with the person to explore skills and enable people with MS to better cope with their illness and related issues. Please check with your Regional Office as this service depends on available funding in each region.

Get in touch with your regional office today. 
