
Displaying 1641 - 1650 of 1743 Articles
MS Ireland
13 Aug 2012

Work and MS

Balancing work while living with MS                                               

MS Ireland
31 Jul 2012

Carers Strategy Launched

Carers’ wellbeing, confidence and health are at the heart of the new National Carers Strategy. For carers in Ireland, this means recognition and acknowledgement of their role as key care partners.

MS Ireland
31 Jul 2012

FDA Consider Alemtuzumab

For a number of years we have mentioned the possibility of a new drug called Alemtuzumab being a potential new treatment for people with MS. On 12 June 2012 the makers, Genzyme, announced that the company has made an official application to the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) in the US and the European Medicines Agency (EMA).

NAI admin
24 Jul 2012

Leading neurologist praises the role of the NAI

In an article in today's Health Supplement, Professor Orla Hardiman, Consultant Neurologist and world leading researcher into motor neurone disease praised the role of the NAI as a "pivotal force for improving neurological care services in Ireland".

MS Ireland
10 Jul 2012

Gilenya Now Prescribed

Fingolimod, under the trade name Gilenya, the first oral drug therapy for the treatment of MS, is now available under the direction of a neurologist. Gilenya is licensed as a second line therapy, making it suitable for people that have failed on conventional first line therapies or those individuals with highly active MS.

MS Ireland
28 Jun 2012

Your Space, Your Say!

The MS Ireland blog is your space to talk about the things that matter to you. It's an opportunity to come together with a community of like-minded people and share your stories, advice and tips. 

MS Ireland/Care Alliance Ireland
21 Jun 2012

TDs to Support Carers

Politicians from all parties are being encouraged by carers to sign a petition supporting the swift publication of the long awaited National Carers Strategy and for a timeframe for its implementation.
