
Displaying 221 - 230 of 1743 Articles
MS Ireland Logo
MS Ireland
27 Apr 2023

Sativex Update

MS Ireland is delighted to share that Sativex has been recommended for reimbursement, subject to a managed access programme. Details of the managed access programme are yet to be shared but MS Ireland will be monitoring this closely and liaising with the Department of Health for updates which we will be sharing with our community. If you think that this medication would be suitable for you, we recommend speaking to your neurologist.

May 50K
MS Ireland
24 Apr 2023

Sign up now for The May 50K starting next week

Spring is in the air, and we’re all getting out and about a bit more. With just over a week to go until The May 50K 2023 kicks off, there’s still plenty of time to get signed up and challenge yourself to walk run or roll 50 kilometres in the month of May. All fundraising is done through our website here where you can log your KM’s, hook up to your fitness devices and blog your way through the month. 

d crosse 1
Dearbhla Crosse
13 Apr 2023

Being kind to ourselves is complicated but it makes life so much easier

I’m late. I schedule meetings and forget about them. I double book myself for coffee dates. I overcommit to events clinging to the unrealistic expectation that I can do it all. My life is a perpetual cycle of semi-organised chaos. Time management is my Achilles heel, a mirage glittering in the distance, just within reach but somehow unobtainable. I have always found it incredibly hard to stick to schedules, but brain fog means it’s become substantially worse. I have taken living for the now to the extreme believing that every day I wake up feeling well is limited and I’m on borrowed time. This urge to do all of the things all of the time is accompanied by latent procrastination which just adds an extra dose of panic to my entire existence. This inevitably leads to punishing guilt.

MS Ireland Logo
MS Ireland
13 Apr 2023

Flirt FM Take Over

To celebrate World MS Day, MS Ireland has been given the exciting opportunity of a radio takeover on Galway’s Flirt FM/101.3 

MS Ireland Logo
MS Ireland
12 Apr 2023

The Unspeakable Bits May Webinar "Mending Broken Connections" 8pm on 29th May

From loss of workplace comradery and friends that seem to fade away, to forgotten invitations and last-minute cancellations, MS can make keeping in touch more difficult.  Our host Trevis L Gleason and a panel with Dr Rebecca Maguire (Assoc Professor of Psychology Dept Maynooth), Emma Rogan and Joan Jordan will talk about “Mending Broken Connections” on MS Ireland's The Unspeakable Bits Webinar on Monday, 29th May at 8pm as part of World MS Day events. Free registration here
