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MS Ireland
20 Sep 2024

Support MS Ireland with Our Annual Raffle

Our Annual Raffle is back, and we need your help to support the vital respite services at our Care Centre in Bushy Park. This centre is a lifeline for people with MS and their families, providing them with much-needed rest and care in a safe, supportive environment.

At our care centre, people with MS can benefit from services like:

  • Short-term respite care to give families a break.
  • Yoga, art therapy, and physiotherapy to help improve quality of life.

By buying raffle tickets, you’ll be making a real difference to those who rely on these services—and you could win some amazing prizes!

Tickets are just 2 for €5 ✨ Draw will take place on December 11th.

13 Sep 2024

Sign up for ECTRIMS Patient Community Day

ECTRIMS Patient Community Day – an online and onsite event hosted by the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis and supported by MS Ireland – is your opportunity to join a global gathering of education and support, and learn about the latest advancements directly impacting your ongoing care and treatment options.
