The Board

The Board

The Society is directed by a voluntary Board which is made up of volunteers with varied backgrounds, some with MS. Its function is to provide leadership, develop strategy, formulate effective policies and oversee their implementation, ensure good governance and financial control. The Board is provided with regular financial and operational information. 

The Board manages the business and affairs of the Society. The Board is empowered to make, revoke or vary such  Bye-Laws as it may deem necessary for the proper conduct and management of the affairs of any branch of MS Ireland. Bye-Laws were approved by the Board on the 4th April 2020. The Bye-Laws are intended to amplify the Articles of Association in the Constitution and provide guidance to the Board, to the Members and to the employees of MS Ireland.  

Role and Responsibilities of the Board are as follows:  Excerpt from Code of Conduct

Records:  Minutes of all meetings of the Board will be taken, recording such decisions that are made and such minutes are held in the registered office

The Board has appointed sub-committees to deal with specific areas. Please follow the link for details of the Terms of Reference of the Committees:

The Officers of the Society are ex officio members of all sub committees.  The Chief Executive is entitled to attend all meetings of sub committees.

Records: Minutes of all meetings of the Committees will be taken, recording such decisions that are made and such minutes are held in the registered office
