Our Strategy
This plan is based on those guiding principles which are fundamental to the work we do which is enabling and empowering people with MS to live the life of their choice to their fullest potential. For further information, please download our Strategic Priorities here.
Advocacy Strategy 2015 - 2019
MS Ireland has produced an Advocacy Strategy for 2015-2019, which outlines MS Ireland’s advocacy priorities for the lifetime of the current Strategic Plan. In addition, this document outlines the activities that will be undertaken to achieve these priorities. For further information, download our Advocacy Strategy 2015-2019
Research Strategy 2015 - 2019
MS Ireland has also published our Research Strategy for 2015-2019. This document outlines MS Ireland’s research priorities for the lifetime of the current Strategic Plan. In addition, this document outlines the activities that will be undertaken to achieve these research priorities. For further information, download our Research Strategy 2015-2019