Multiple Sclerosis Ireland is the only national organisation informing, supporting and representing the MS community. Our concern is the adequate provision of state services, resources and entitlements for people and families living with Multiple Sclerosis. We believe that the State and its structures and organisations should sufficiently address the needs and rights of people affected by MS.
Where services, resources and entitlements are unavailable or inaccessible, MS Ireland aims to highlight the deficiency and take action to solve the issue.
Advocacy Service
In this video, take a closer look at MS Ireland's Advocacy Service and how we empower individuals with MS to have their voices heard. With Alison Cotter, Advocacy Officer, learn about the crucial work we do to champion the rights and needs of the MS community.
We represent the issues and concerns of people affected by MS across Ireland on two levels:
We provide support through our Information Line service and community support worker network in order to deal with individual issues. Our team of Regional Community Workers assist individual clients to access services, resources and entitlements in their own locality. Contact your nearest Regional Office for more details.
The Board, Chief Executive and her team represent the MS community on collective issues at a national and international level. These are the issues which affect the entire MS community irrespective of individual circumstance or geography.
We believe it is crucial that a collective voice for people affected by MS is heard in response to national policy decisions in order to ensure the interests of the MS community remain represented.

MSunderstood Café
MS Ireland, in partnership with Roche, opened the MS Café and MS Café Roadshow as part of the 'Patients Deserve Better' campaign with the aim of improving access to medications for People with MS. You can learn all about the Café by clicking below.