Information for Researchers

MS Ireland supports researchers at all stages, in finding participants for studies and disseminating research findings. MS Ireland has developed a Protocol for researchers who wish to engage with MS Ireland in this way. You can download the protocol HERE

MS Ireland also maintains a contact list of Irish researchers interested in MS. MS Ireland uses the list to:

  • Invite researchers to contribute to our bi-annual research eZine, MS Research
  • Inform researchers about upcoming funding opportunities (from MS Ireland’s research fund and other grant-making bodies)
  • Invite researchers to attend networking events. MS Ireland aims to organise one such networking event for researchers interested in MS per year


If you would like to be added to the contact list, please email Alison Cotter

Research We Fund
Three individuals sitting at the top table with a banner behind them, while some members of the audience are visible in the background
Two people standing together, with one holding a large magnifying glass in front of the camera, symbolising research and investigation