The MS community is a strong vibrant gathering of different people affected by or interested in MS. Whether you want to be an active member or just receive information and updates, we welcome anyone to become a member of MS Ireland.
MS Ireland operates lifetime membership of €50. Download membership form to become a member today.
benefits of membership:
- A stronger voice to lobby the government, health services and other bodies
- A sense of ownership and identity
- A say in the way MS Ireland operates and develops
- A copy of each edition of our magazine MSnews and other updates
- Access to information, support and advocacy services*
- Your membership also means we can provide and develop your services
As our contribution for the government only covers 50% of the cost of our services we provide to people and families affected by MS, your support through membership, donations and fundraising is very important.
*MS Ireland’s services are available to anyone affected by MS regardless of membership status.

Become a Member
Membership of the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Ireland is open to all who wish to join our strong, active and growing community.