Get Involved in MS Research
MS Ireland helps researchers with their projects by offering advice, data and access to our MS community. We encourage people with MS to get involved in research that is ethical, appropriately organised by a recognised institution and sanctioned by that research authority.

Peer Support Needs in MS
Joan Alaboson, a PhD student in the Department of Psychology at Maynooth University, supervised by Dr Rebecca Maguire and Dr Laura Coffey, conducted an online survey exploring the peer support needs of (1) people living with MS, and (2) family members/friends who provide care, help or support to someone with MS.

The MS Research Group in CÚRAM at the University of Galway is calling for volunteers to join their study on biomarkers of multiple sclerosis (MS).
Through analysis of samples and test results, they hope to demonstrate that it is possible to detect what are known as “biomarkers” of MS as well as prove that these markers can be useful for MS diagnosis and monitoring.
To find out more click below.

A research team in University College Dublin are recruiting older adults (70+ years) who receive home care (both informally from friends and family or formally) to take part in a in a research study.
The study is looking for people who may feel their diet is lacking in nutrients, losing weight (unintentionally), or their appetite is down like eating very small meals or not finishing meals at all.
Participants will be recruited from the East and West of Ireland.
To find out more click below

You are being invited to take part in a research study that is being carried out by Dr. Sean Mc Auliffe, Assistant Professor in Physiotherapy at the School of Medicine in Trinity College Dublin. The study involves taking part in a mobility test named the 'Timed Up and Go Test' - this test is commonly used by physiotherapists to look at mobility in people with a neurological condition.
To find out more click below

Anxiety and MS Study
PhD student Austin Fahy from the Department of Psychology in Maynooth University is undertaking research into the experience of anxiety in people with MS. This research aims to increase understanding of anxiety in MS, both in terms of PwMS’s general experience of anxiety, and experiences of anxiety during Covid-19 to inform the development of supports for People with MS.
To find out more click below

Research Strategy
MS Ireland's Research Strategy for 2015-2019

Information for Researchers
Useful Information For Those Carrying Out MS-Related Research.

Research We Fund
MS Ireland Supports Undergraduate and Post-Graduate Researchers in Finding Participants For Studies and Disseminating Research Findings.
Surveys Have Closed – Summary Report Available Shortly

Improving Bone Health in MS
You are invited to take part in the research project: ‘Improving bone health in multiple sclerosis’. The objective of this study is to assess level of awareness of osteoporosis and fracture risk in MS, current practices and barriers to bone health management for people with MS.

Cognitive Reserve in Multiple Sclerosis
UCD are conduting a research study to better understand cognitive outcomes in multiple sclerosis (MS). Up to 60% of people with MS experience cognitive difficulties, which can include difficulties with thinking quickly or remembering information.
If you're interested in learning more about this latest research and wish to get involved, click the link below

Elaine Doran, a researcher at the Atlantic Technological University Sligo, is conducting a survey-based research study to examine persons with MS (Multiple Sclerosis) attitudes and perceptions concerning nutrition and identify if there are appropriate supports for people in this area.

Researchers at Trinity College Dublin, Beaumont Hospital, and St. James’s Hospital are carrying out a study exploring cognitive changes (thinking and memory) in Multiple Sclerosis. The study involves participating in an EEG recording session. You may also be invited to complete a questionnaire about your cognition and/or more detailed tests about your cognition.
To find out more click below

Communication problems in progressive motor conditions
You are invited to participate in a survey about communication problems in progressive motor conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis (MS). They study is conducted by Prof Anja Lowit, Giulia Gasparotto, and Dr Anja Kuschmann, all speech and language therapists based at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow UK. For all the information on this study and how to get involved click HERE
The survey is available online (see below), or you can request a paper version by contacting the Principal Investigator, Prof Anja Lowit, by email or phone 0044 7986080537

Erin is completing her masters research at University College Dublin and is looking for people with and without multiple sclerosis (MS) to take part in a survey to learn more about the body image experience of people with MS.
To find out more click below

Stigma and MS
A study led by Dr Rebecca Maguire from Maynooth University aims to understand if people with MS experience any stigma* from others in relation to their condition.
This research will also explore why some people with MS choose to hide their diagnosis or symptoms from others and whether this has any impact on their psychological wellbeing.

A Psychologist in Clinical Training, Serena Carberry, is researching couples experience of MS as part of her Doctoral research with the University of Limerick. We are currently looking for people with MS and their partner to take part in this study. If you agree to take part, you will be asked to take part in a joint interview together with your partner on Microsoft Teams. We will ask you questions about your relationship, your experience of MS, and how you cope.
To find out more click below

A Focus Group Study on Medication Adherence in MS
Alanna Denny, a PhD candidate from University College Cork is conducting research to understand the lived experiences and perspectives of medication adherence in people with MS in the Republic of Ireland.