
MS symptoms vary in presence, severity, and duration from person to person. While unpredictable, many people identify patterns and triggers over time. With proper treatment, symptoms can often be managed successfully.
Some of the symptoms of MS are immediately obvious. Reduced mobility is often the most visually apparent. Other symptoms such as fatigue, changes in sensation, memory and concentration problems are often ‘hidden’ symptoms and can be difficult to explain to others. No matter what the symptoms are, it is important to alert your GP or Neurologist when a new symptom appears, or an existing symptom changes.
Managing symptoms is not just about drug treatments, and many people find a healthy lifestyle also helps. A balanced diet, appropriate exercise and keeping stress at a minimum can give your body and mind the best chance to deal with symptoms. Some people with MS find complementary therapies helpful. Many of these therapies promote wellbeing holistically; the focus being on the person and not just the symptoms. Remember to speak to your doctor first before starting any form of alternative therapy.
Managing symptoms is part of the overall management of the effects of MS. Symptoms not only affect the functioning of the body physically, emotionally and cognitively, they can also affect your work, social life and family. It is important that you look at your everyday life and look at any changes you can which will help you manage your MS as successfully as possible.
MS Invisible Symptoms
While some symptoms of MS are visible, people living with the condition can also experience a range of invisible symptoms such as fatigue, numbness and sexual dysfunction. In this video neurologist Prof Orla Hardiman discusses what invisible symptoms are and the importance of reporting invisible symptoms to your MS team.