Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Coronavirus (COVID-19)
COVID-19 is a respiratory illness that was first detected in China in December 2019, and has since spread around the world. There are a number of different variants of this virus.
Throughout this pandemic, MS Ireland have been carefully following developments regarding COVID-19 and MS. We have consulted with neurologists, our friends at MS Trust UK and other to ensure we are providing up-to-date, relevant and expert information. Below, is the information we have currently. This will be under continuous review as our knowledge expands and develops.
If you have specific concerns in relation to your own health or that of a loved one, we would advise that you contact your GP, MS nurse or neurologist.
Please browse the relevant sections below. If you have any questions, email or call our Information Line on 0818 233 233. Our Information Line operates Monday – Friday from 9:30am to 5pm.

Information on COVID-19 and useful advice for People Living With MS.

Information on the ‘COVID-19 Pandemic Unemployment Payment’ to support those whose income is affected as a result
Our Regional services and our information line remain open and we are here to help you.

COVID-19 Vaccines
Click here for up to date information on COVID-19 vaccines.

MS and COVID-19 Video Series
Watch our MS and COVID-19 video series with Professor Gavin Giovannoni, Professor Kingston Mills and Clinical Nurse Specialist Máire Hayes

Looking after your mental health is integral during this time of uncertainty, we have put together a useful guide for what you can do.

Browse our catalogue of useful resources for hygiene, isolation medication and much more.

Discover The Latest Information Around Symptoms, Risk And Advice On The HSE Website.

MS Wellness
It is important to look after yourself. We have developed this information on MS and wellness to provide people living with multiple sclerosis, their families and carers access to information, tips and tricks to support wellbeing.
MS Wellness content is developed by Novartis on behalf of MS Ireland.

MSIF and the MS Data Alliance have launched a brand new Global Data Sharing Initiative for Coronavirus and Multiple Sclerosis.

Across the country, Local Authority Community Response Forums have been established.

Public Health advice has recommended the use of face coverings to help stop the spread of COVID-19.
Information has been shared for those giving and receiving support during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Many things have changed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic but regardless of this situation, your healthcare continues. We have compiled a list of tips for you so you can make the most of your telemedicine consultation.

Collective advice from neurologists in Ireland in relation to the frequency of blood monitoring for those on DMT’S throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.