Dr. Eric Downer

Dr. Eric Downer leads the Translation Neuroimmunology Research laboratory at the Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute in Trinity College. This group conducts patient-orientated research in the field of Multiple Sclerosis and other neuroinflammatory disorders. The laboratory investigates the impact of cannabinoids, the ingredients found in the Cannabis sativa plant, on innate immune inflammatory changes in blood cells isolated from people with MS. This is important in not only improving our understanding of peripheral inflammatory changes that occur in individuals afflicted by MS, but may expand our knowledge on how cannabinoid-based therapies may act to target the symptoms of the disease. To date he has published +40 articles and +60 conference proceedings. He has been honoured with the Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland Early Career Award (2009), the Neuroscience Ireland Early Career Award (2013), a Deans Award for Teaching (2016) and a commendation for shortlisting for the Provost's Teaching Award (2019).

Research Ezine articles

From Exercise to Cannabinoids, Issue 1, Page 8

Cannabinoids and MS, Issue 3, Page 4-7

more information

Website: https://www.tcd.ie/research/profiles/?profile=edowner
