Partner With US

Together, we can enable and empower people affected by Multiple Sclerosis to live the life of their choice to their fullest potential

Cheque Presentation

How You Can Help

  • Make a tax efficient donation to our company giving programme. You can claim tax relief on charity donations as a trading expense.
  • Help support our annual campaigns.
  • Employee fundraising is a great way for staff to work together and build team spirit. We can support you with ideas, t-shirts, sponsorship cards, and promotion on social media.
  • Let your staff and customers know you are helping others. We can help with any of your CSR or communications needs.
  • Volunteer with us and campaign with us on our advocacy issues.
Volunteers in the Care Centre

Why partner with us?

Our Corporate Partnerships team help plan and execute a variety of events, volunteering programmes and promotions that:

  • Improve staff morale and team spirit.
  • Create better brand awareness and customer relations.
  • Strengthen your CSR Strategy.
  • Change the lives of people living with MS across Ireland.

Our dedicated Corporate Partnerships team will work with your organisation to identify the right activities that meet your business needs and enhance your company culture.

Working in partnership with MS Ireland will not only deliver real benefits to your business but it will create meaningful opportunities for your staff and customers to make a lasting impact on the lives of those affected by MS across Ireland.

Make a lasting impact

A person's hand gently holding another person's hand in their palm


Can provide weekend information breaks throughout Ireland for newly diagnosed people with MS. These weekend breaks offer a chance to interact with and share experiences with others in the same position.

Two people engaging in seated physiotherapy


Can provide 50 weeks of physiotherapy for people living with MS, which can help improve or maintain a person’s ability to remain independent. 

Care Centre Garden


You can help fund a two-year MS research project. In 2016, MS Ireland was able to give €50,000 to NUI Galway researchers to fund a two-year project into mindfulness interventions for people with MS.
