Join Team MS Ireland

VHI Mini Marathon 2025

Join us and thousands of women on June 1st, 2025, for this year’s VHI Mini Marathon, where you can be part of Team MS Ireland. Together, we’ll raise vital funds to support services for the MS community.

Two people smiling, wearing sweatbands and red MS Ireland t-shirts, with medals around their necks.
A large group of people wearing red MS Ireland t-shirts, holding a banner with the MS Ireland logo, and smiling happily.
A group of happy participants in red MS Ireland t-shirts, gearing up for the race, with one group holding a sign.

How to Participate:

Step 1: Register with MS Ireland
Sign up below to join our team and receive your welcome pack.

Step 2: Register for the VHI Mini Marathon
The official VHI Mini Marathon registration opens on March 1st, 2025. Make sure to secure your spot by registering at

Step 3: Start Training!
It’s time to get ready for the big day. Share your training progress on social media, and don’t forget to tag us so we can follow your story and cheer you on!

Mini-Marathon 2025 Signup

T-Shirt Size:

Tell us how you heard about the mini marathon?*
I would like to be kept up to date with news and events from MS Ireland:

Please complete if you require a sponsorship card:
I require a sponsorship card:

If you are registering on behalf of a company please complete:

Please indicate that you have read and understand MS Ireland's fundraising guidelines:
Fundraising Rules
• Door to door or street collections are not allowed without a Garda Permit
• Please note that all fundraising collected along with used and unused sponsorship cards must be returned to MS Ireland, 80 Northumberland Road, Dublin 4 after the day. We are unable to transfer any funds to local branches unless told at the time of registering with MS Ireland
• If due to unforeseen circumstances you cannot participate in the Mini Marathon or are unable to raise some funds for us, please do let us know and return your pack so we can reuse it. Every fundraising pack we issue that is not used and returned costs MS Ireland €10. With your help, we are looking to reduce this cost in 2025, so please let us know.
• Making your own sponsorship cards or photocopying official sponsorship cards is not permitted.
• If you decide to get a Garda collection permit you are required to tell MS Ireland the day and location where you will be collecting.

We appreciate all your hard work fundraising, these guidelines are in place to ensure transparency and security for all your funds raised.

* Indicates field is required

our Team MS Ireland Stories

Maggie Green

Maggie Green

Maggie tells us her Mini Marathon story 

Christina McDonald

Christina McDonald

Christina tells us why she joined Team MS Ireland
