Calling All Storytellers: Join the MS & Me Team

Share Your Personal Experiences with the MS Community

We are incredibly fortunate to have a group of inspiring writers sharing their life experiences with the world of multiple sclerosis (MS). As we look to expand our MS & Me team, we are inviting YOU to join us.

headshots of ms and me bloggers

This year, we’re excited to welcome content creators who express themselves through writing, video, or audio. So, whether your passion lies in storytelling through words, visuals, or sound, we’d love to hear from you.

Are you:

  • Living with Multiple Sclerosis?
  • A partner or carer of someone with MS?
  • A health professional working with people with MS?

If so, let us know!

How to Apply

Write to us with the following details:

  • Your name, age, and the county in Ireland you are from.
  • Your connection to the MS community.

In addition, please submit one of the following:

  1. A 500-word piece about your experience with an aspect of MS and a short letter or note explaining why you’d like to join the MS & Me team.
  2. A short video/audio file (maximum 5 minutes) sharing your experiences with MS and why you would like to join the MS & Me team.

Submit Your Work

Email your submission to by 5pm on Thursday, 20th February 2025. We’ll respond to everyone who applies by this deadline.

In the meantime, continue to enjoy the inspiring work of the MS & Me blog team.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Please note: This is a volunteer role.

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