Introducing the MS A to Z Series

The MS and Me team is pleased to introduce the A to Z of MS series, designed to demystify multiple sclerosis, challenge misconceptions, and offer valuable information and support to those living with MS and their loved ones. 

The Importance of Language in MS

MS. Multiple Sclerosis. I’ve never liked either of those words. The word sclerotic particularly gets me. Sclerotic plaques always sounds like something that the Ghostbusters should be called to exterminate. Multiple Sclerosis sounds like I’m outnumbered by many ghouls. The language that we use surrounding MS is so important. MS Sufferer is another one that should be outlawed. We’re people living with MS not suffering from it. It might be ingrained into the components of us, coded into our DNA on a molecular level but it isn’t our entire being. I have this disease the same way I have a job, hobbies, friends and a husband. It’s an aspect of my life, not the full view.  

A Unique Journey: No Two People Are the Same

A person’s MS is as unique to them as their fingerprint. No two people living with MS are the same. It’s as singular as a PPS number or a passport number. It can never be copied or repeated. Being diagnosed with such an individualistic disease brings with it a plethora of information. It can seem impossible to know which information relates to your type of MS. It can feel like your life has suddenly been abbreviated to acronyms – RRMS, PPMS, SPMS, DMT, MRI, SAD, the list is endless. Sometimes it can feel like TMI and you want to go AWOL. 

Fluffy cover with dice featuring the letters 'M' and 'S'

Simplifying MS with the A to Z Series

This is where our A to Z of MS enters the scene. We’re shooing away the sense of overwhelm and the constant stream of information. We’re stripping it back to basics and making MS as simple as ABCs. I can’t wave a magic wand and make MS disappear but the team of bloggers at MS and Me can bring a weekly dose of positivity, cutting edge research, inspiring stories and real life experience to help you navigate the messy road that is life with MS. You might even see a few guest blogs and some new faces to welcome to our MS community. 

What to Expect from the A to Z of MS Series

MS - two little letters can bring one unexpected diagnosis and an unprecedented amount of change to your life – SOS! Our A to Z of MS aims to make it as simple as ABC. I know that it can, at times, feel like a difficult road full of twists, turns, dead ends and diversions. I hope that our A to Z of MS series will inform and inspire those of us living with MS and educate the people who love and support us. The goal for the A to Z of MS is to banish misconceptions of how a life with MS looks, challenge stereotypes and highlight stories of positivity and a life lived with purpose.  We want to disseminate cutting edge research, practical tips for living well with MS and share personal stories of triumph and strength. 

The wonderful team of bloggers at MS and Me will be your myth buster, MS guru and teacher rolled into one. I hope you will join us for this ongoing journey through the A to Z of MS. Together, we will learn, share, and grow stronger in our understanding of Multiple Sclerosis, one letter at a time.

The views and opinions expressed here are those of individual contributors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Ireland. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure accuracy of the information provided, the editor is not responsible for any error or inaccuracy contained herein.
If you have been affected by any of the content, please contact the MS Ireland Information Line on 0818 233 233


We understand that all the information on DMT can feel overwhelming. If you would like to talk things through, our information line is available Monday to Friday, 9:30am to 5pm at 0818 233 233. We're here to help.

Feeling totally overwhelmed by all information on DMT.. Feeling really emotional & lost trying to figure out what's best so looking forward to hopefully simple information

I've been diagnosed with RRMs in 2022 but I hate the term warrior we all deal with this disease in our own way as best as we can just my opinion

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