February to June 2021
After a break over the New Year, it was inevitable that we’d start off with some pieces around life in lockdown. The Great Uniter, Covid has shut down the whole country. We noticed the parallels between lockdown and living with MS.
Robert and Mary wrote about their experiences of the isolation that came with lockdown. Joan shared her experiences of juggling homeschooling and working from home.
Robert- isolation during lockdown
Mary- lockdown and isolation
When March rolled around, Ciara took a look back over 12 months of Covid restrictions in Ireland, and the impact of lockdowns on her life. Fergal wrote about keeping our brains healthy and active, as part of Brain Awareness Week.
Ciara- MS and Covid 19
Fergal- Brain Awareness Week
In April, we read Emma’s blog about the importance of Self Care, something that a lot of people struggle to prioritise. Katie shared how she decided which MS Treatment would be best for her. Grace looked back over the years since she was diagnosed with MS and told us about her grief she has experienced because of it. Maggie told us about returning to her studies and how she finds it different this time round, post MS diagnosis.
Emma- MS and Self Care
Katie - MS Treatment
Grace- Grieving For The Life You Had Planned
Maggie- Returning To Study
Thankfully the sun was shining in May when Niamh took part in the May 50K challenge. She wrote about the Kiss Goodbye to MS campaign, which raises both awareness and important funds. Rosie delved into the process of getting a mortgage and buying a house – a challenge for many, it can be more difficult to undertake with a long-term condition. Robert gave us an insight into Assistive Technology – the equipment and gadgets which can make daily life easier, and save some of our important energy. Nadia rounded off the month with a blog about what World MS Day means to her.
Niamh- May 50k
Rosie- Buying A House When You Have MS
Robert- MS And Assistive Technology
Nadia - World MS Day
In June, Christine wrote about the important role of carers, as part of Carers Week. Mary wrote about having access (or the lack thereof) to the services we need, especially during Covid restrictions. Deabrhla shared the things she wishes she had been told when she was diagnosed with MS. Finally, Christina wrote a lovely piece in memory of her Dad for Father’s Day.
Christine- Carers Week
Mary - Access To Services
Dearbhla- Things I Wished I Had Been Told When Diagnosed With MS
Christina- Father's Day
Next week, we will look back on the blog posts from July until December.
Until then, dear friends, keep safe.
MS and Me Bloggers
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