A new chapter for the MS and Me blog

A belated happy New Year to you all. Last year saw the MS and Me blog celebrate its 10th year thanks to the amazing support of the MS community and we are excited to say we have plenty of new and exciting changes afoot for 2024.

Sadly, Emma Rogan (editor) and Trevis Gleeson (assignments editor) are stepping down from their leading roles and we can never thank them enough for all the hard work and years of dedication they've put into this blog to make it what it is. They are leaving behind some big shoes to fill. But we trust you are in safe hands with the two people taking over from them, who you may recognise from the blog where they’ve shared their own stories with you over many years. So, without further ado we’ll let them introduce themselves.

Rosie Farrell

Rosie Farrell, Editor

I am so excited to volunteer with the blog in a new role. I started writing for MS and Me in 2016, just a year after my own diagnosis and it was people like Emma, Trevis and the other bloggers who made me realise I wasn’t alone. I can never thank them enough for paving the way with such brilliant supports.

Writing about my life with MS became a way for me to process my diagnosis. There have been some incredibly difficult years that I never would have gotten through without the support of the friends I’ve made through MS Ireland. Despite navigating the constant ups and downs of my MS, using mobility devices and managing chronic pain I still went on to get married, live abroad and travel to places I never imagined I would. 

This May will mark nine years since my own diagnosis, by which stage we will hopefully have welcomed our new baby into the world and embarked on a much-dreamed of chapter of our lives.

Life with MS is not how I’d imagined, I have done so much more than I ever thought possible. It’s not always easy, and life often takes extra planning, but it’s because of supports like this blog that I’ve known I’m never alone. I’m really looking forward to working with Nadia and being a part of sharing more of your stories in the years ahead. Wishing you all a wonderful and healthy 2024.

Rosie Farrell works as a subeditor and graphic designer with Irish Country Living. You can follow her journey on www.creativelyrewired.com

Picture of Nadia

Nadia Anshasi, Assignments Editor

I wrote my first piece for MS and Me in 2021 when I was eight years into this journey and it’s safe to say that MS and Me has formed a big part of my experience of living with MS.

The blog has brought me great friendships, many a-ha moments where I’ve realised I’m not alone, and a few laughs for good measure. One of the biggest factors that motivated me to get involved in the first place was to be part of something that helps a newly diagnosed person realise they’re not alone. Writing was the easy part of the process for me. The hard part was knowing that something I created would be put out there for people to share their views on social media and it was difficult knowing that they may or may not agree with me. It forced me to become a better writer and not to shy away from covering topics that might divide people.

My aim as assignments editor is to bring a fresh take on the lives of those living with MS. If you’re new to the blog, I hope that we’ll challenge everything you think you know about MS and if you’re a regular reader of the blog, I hope that you might see some of your favourite bloggers in a new light. I want our audience to read about new topics from a fresh perspective.

After my diagnosis, I promised myself that I would achieve more in life with MS rather than without it. I would make it an aspect of my life that set me apart in a positive rather than a negative way. I never imagined that I’d become an editor or any sort but this role is just another opportunity that MS has sent my way. My MS might have taken certain things from me but it has given many things back in return. I’m very grateful for this opportunity and excited to work alongside Rosie. I hope you’ll join us as we build on the foundation laid by our predecessors and forge a new path ahead for MS and Me.


These blogs make my normal a little less abnormal.
Thank you all🥰

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