Types of MS

There are four types of MS, each with its own characteristics. Some people may be only mildly affected throughout their lives while, for others, progression may occur quite quickly. Most people with MS experience something in between these extremes. It is not always clear what type of MS someone has, particularly when newly diagnosed. Regardless of the type of MS, health professionals will base symptom management on individual needs.

Relapsing Remitting MS

Relapsing-remitting MS causes flare-ups of symptoms followed by periods of recovery. 

Secondary Progressive MS

Secondary progressive MS develops in some people with relapsing-remitting MS. Symptoms no longer fully recover after relapses, and disability steadily increases. 

Benign MS

Benign MS is a form of relapsing-remitting MS. 

Primary Progressive MS

Primary progressive MS is a relatively uncommon form of MS that causes steadily worsening symptoms and increasing disability.
