Having a healthy brain that functions well is important for people with MS. Taking positive steps to maintain brain health sooner rather than later can help improve long term outcomes for people with MS.
Brain health is the theme for MS Ireland’s National Conference on Saturday 24th September. You can find the agenda and a booking form here
Our 100th issue of MS News magazine features three articles on MS brain health from experts in the field.
The organisation MS Brain Health have produced a new guide on brain health and MS. This short guide is a resource to help people with MS understand how they can keep their brains as healthy as possible and request the highest possible standard of care from healthcare professionals. Download the guide here
This article features information and diagrams showing how MS affects the brain and central nervous system.
Hello Brain, designed by Dr Sabina Brennan from Trinity College who is speaking at MS Ireland’s conference, is an accessible and engaging site with lots of resources and tips for maintaining a healthy brain.
Further reading