Competition Time...

Calendar images wanted...

Competition is now closed! 

MS Ireland is creating a 2019 calendar and is asking photographers to submit their work for consideration. We’re looking for images based on the theme “As Time Goes By”. The passing of time can be recorded by photography in many ways. A long exposure can be used to capture the effect of time on an image, whereas a short exposure is used to capture an instant in time. The theme of this competition is very open and broad with a lot of scope for creativity. We look forward to seeing your interpretation. Read Terms and Conditions

13 images will be selected in total, 12 to appear within the calendar and one will be chosen for the cover. 

In addition to the calendar winning entrants will see their image in the following places:

  • In our MSnews magazine which goes to 5000 members, clinics and health professionals around the country
  • In a special edition of our electronic newsletter 'eNews'
  • Throughout our social media profiles – Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

So get snapping and enter our competition today!

Image removed. 

***Closing date for entries: 5pm on Friday August 10th 2018***

Get in touch

For more information contact Sally Spearman: email 

updated 10th August 2018
