Dip for Diagnosis Campaign 30th May 2024

On World MS Day – 30th May - we are hoping to get 10,000 people to Dip for Diagnosis to represent the 10,000 people living with MS in Ireland. Join us for a Dip on World MS Day – whether it’s a dip in the sea, river, lake, pool or a cold shower and raise funds and awareness for vital services for the MS Community. Register here

Dip May 30th

Multiple Sclerosis is the most common disabling neurological disease amongst young people in Ireland with over 10,000 people living with MS. For people living with MS there is still no known cure, but MS Ireland has already made a positive impact on their lives by providing practical support through services like our physiotherapy classes, one-to-one community support and respite care. With your support, we can really make a difference!

Register with enthuse to create a fundraising page. It only takes a few minutes: https://multiplesclerosisofireland.enthuse.com/cf/dip-for-diagnosis 

Once registered we will send you out your pack Dip a Day pack including a MS Ireland swim hat for your challenge. Then, join our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/975479931029284

RNLI Water Safety Advice

To ensure everyone’s safety during the Dip for Diagnosis event, we are sharing an important video from the RNLI with essential water safety advice. Please take a few minutes to watch the video here

Please note: the video refers to festive swim events typically held in winter, the safety advice provided is applicable for swimming at any time of the year, including our World MS Day, May 30th event.