The recently released HSE National Service Plan 2013 has important news for everyone living in Ireland, especially people with multiple sclerosis.
Some headline figures include:
• Reductions to funding for Disability Services from of €19 million (-1.2%)
• Older Peoples Services are being reduced from €403 million to €393 million (-2.6%).
• There is a proposed increase of 3.1% for mental health services.
• There is a commitment to maintain the 2012 levels of Home Help/home care packages and the level of PA supports, Page 16 of the report
• Number of people receiving Home Care Packages is not expected to exceed 2012 figures of 4,800 people.
Resources have been allocated differently; some areas have an increase in financial allocation while others have been reduced. This is the sixth consecutive year of funding reductions to services for people with disabilities. How will people be directly affected? For people with disabilities and older people, who are relying on these services how will they manage?
As with other changes to taxation, different people/households will be affected differently. While some people can manage the changes, other people on limited incomes (Disability Allowance, State Pensions etc) might not. It depends on how numerous reductions/increases will impact people relying on services provided or funded through the State. Added to the property tax, household charge, water charges, reductions in Home-Help hours and the Budget, reductions might mean some people having a decrease of at least 20% per month in financial terms.
Services provided by MS Ireland
Every day regional workers meet people with MS and people affected by MS. In October 2012 alone, 439 people were in direct contact with MS Ireland support staff. This included 178 people contacting staff for the first time. These are ongoing relationships with in-depth interaction, researching people’s needs, advocating for those needs to be met by arranging services or providing advice and then ensuring the services people need are then implemented so their lives are improved. MS Ireland staff members have met people who had their home-help hours reduced and who had their requests for home-help refused due to being under-65. This reduction in home-help hours seriously reduces the options for people’s lives, damages their health and negatively affects the ability to manage their long term condition. Not having the support at all seriously limits people’s capacity. For people who are confined to home, some the reductions mean they have to spend more time in bed which can lead to bed sores and other serious health complications. The reductions in service levels, as well as quality of service provided will increase the need for people to access the already problematic emergency services. This is not something that makes sense in terms of management and prevention strategy.
At all times MS Ireland works for people with multiple sclerosis who are directly affected by these issues and work to ensure people with MS live the lives they choose to the fullest of their capabilities. Please contact Emma Rogan on if you or someone you know has been affected by any of the issues raised.
Download HSE Service Plan 2013 here