Important Update for Users of the Community Worker Service

MS Ireland have updated you on some changes that we have made to the record keeping system we use in the Community Worker Service.

The main change that you will notice, is that after you avail of the Community Worker service, we will send you an email asking for your feedback.

We would appreciate if you would take the time to give us some information on your experience.  The information you provide will be used to evaluate the service we provide.

As always, if you have any questions or queries about this please don’t hesitate to contact us in the regional office. 

Community Worker Services

MS Ireland offers a Case Work service to people with MS and their families, especially individuals with a recent diagnosis. Community Workers provide support on various issues such as emotional and psychological support, social welfare, employment, rights and entitlements, medical card applications, housing, symptom management, education and relationships. Case work supports the person with MS and their family members, where appropriate, at initial stage of diagnosis and at different stages throughout the changes of their MS.

Regional Community Workers provide a confidential, casework services and can meet people at home, over the phone, via zoom or at other appropriate settings. The casework service is designed to enhance the life of the person with MS or their family by working collaboratively with them and through providing information and support as needed. We can refer people with MS to other relevant services and organisations such as physiotherapy and occupational therapy and other health services. Community Workers can liaise with other organisations to support the person with MS to achieve their goals. We provide access to wellbeing programmes, educational and exercise classes, counselling, peer support and living well programmes.

MS Ireland Community Workers use a solution focused approach which is aimed at finding solutions to issues which may arise, and which is goal orientated, ensuring that the person with MS achieves the best possible outcome in each area of their lives. Anyone can refer themselves to this service by contacting their local Regional office and referrals can be accepted from other agencies. The Community Worker will complete an assessment of need with the person with MS and/or family member which looks at all areas of life such as the physical, mental, emotional, social and psychological wellbeing of the person. This holistic approach can support the person with MS to identify their own needs and to formulate an action plan in partnership with their community worker.

A person with MS or a family member can avail of this service at any point on their journey.

If you are interested in reading more about this service, please visit:
