My Letter To Me

Picture the scene, you’ve gone back in time, to the day you were first diagnosed with MS; standing face to face with your newly diagnosed self. What would you say to yourself on that day?

Now, hold that thought as you pull up a chair and get comfortable. Using the online letter template – there’s also an offline version – write a letter to yourself. What you write is entirely up to you, there are no rules. To help get you started though, think about what advice you’d give yourself. What have you learnt since that would have been helpful to know on the day?

Once you’ve written your letter, send it to MS Ireland, either via the online or hard-copy template, whichever you prefer.

To say thanks for your effort, we’ll be publishing all the letters you send us on the World MS Day website. This means letters will be available to be read by those far and wide.

To celebrate the literary theme of the campaign, Claudia Carroll, writer and actress, will be taking part in judging your letters. Claudia will be using her well-read eye to select twenty prize-winning letters. The winning letters will feature in a special publication, and we’ll be throwing a launch party for the twenty authors.

So what are you waiting for! Get writing! And don’t forget, the deadline is 30 June. 

Letter templates and guidellines
