NCPE rejects Tecfidera

Following a full assessment, the National Centre for Pharmacoeconomics (NCPE) has concluded that Tecfidera is not considered cost-effective and issued a recommendation that Tecfidera should not be reimbursed at the submitted price.

So what next for Tecfidera? The NCPE state that "if reimbursement is not recommended at the submitted price the NCPE may recommend to the HSE that the drug may offer some health benefit but the price requested by the pharmaceutical company is too high for the amount of benefit offered. In this case, price negotiations will begin between the pharmaceutical company and the HSE. In some cases agreement is reached to make the drug available at a fair price." See page 14 of MSnews No 96 (Autumn/Winter 2014) for full explanation of the NCPE process.

We will provide an update as soon as we know more.

Further reading

