New online Health promoting physical activity programme to launch in Galway, Mayo and Roscommon.

Galway, May 17th 2022: Active Neuro offers evidence-based health promoting physical activity programmes for adults living with neurological conditions in the community. The pilot project was funded by the Slaintecare Integration Fund in the Mid-West and Multiple Sclerosis Ireland are currently rolling out this service for people in Galway, Mayo and Roscommon with the support of the HSE disability services in CHO-2. 

Our online programmes in the last 2 years have been extremely successful as they reduce the barriers of transport, accessibility and fatiguing travel. Findings from our online programmes demonstrate significant improvements in strength, reduction in falls and better mental health outcomes both for MS specific and mixed neurological diagnoses programmes: 

•             71% of participants demonstrated an improvement in leg strength 

•             56% of participants reported an improvement in fatigue 

•             Number of falls were reduced by 49% 

•             Balance scores increased by 28% for participants 

•             43% of participants reduced their usage of healthcare services after participation in a programme, with a 33% reduction in A&E and 57% reduction in inpatient admissions [122 to 52 days]. 

•             There was a 21% improvement in depressive symptoms


Picture of Nadia

Southern Region

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