Patients Deserve Better Campaign 2024

The Neurological Alliance of Ireland’s Patients Deserve Better campaign is calling for regional neurology services in 5 hospitals across the country, in Bantry, Wexford, Portlaoise, Letterkenny and Mayo hospitals. 

Access to a Consultant Neurologist should not depend on where you live yet people with chronic long term neurological conditions are regularly travelling between 60 and 112 km to see their Neurologist. 

Visit the Campaign Website

The campaign launched on Tuesday March 12th to coincide with National Brain Awareness Week. Visit the campaign website and follow the conversation on social media at #patientsdeservebetter

Presentation to the Oireachtas Committee on Health

Representatives from the Neurological Alliance of Ireland presented to the Oireachtas Committee on Health on May 15th, to provide an update on the implementation of key healthcare strategies for neurological conditions. The full recording of the meeting can be seen at NAI Presentation to the Oireachtas Committee on Health

Upcoming Online Event

Register for the next online event  at Calling for a neurologist at Wexford General Hospital: June 10th 2024

Download the Campaign Brochure

Download the campaign brochure at Patients Deserve Better Brochure 2024
