RSCI SU On Board for MS!

RCSI Student Union choose MS Ireland as their 2014 Charity of the Year

We are delighted to announce Multiple Sclerosis Ireland are the chosen charity of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Students' Union. Preparations are well underway from this fantastic bunch of students to raise awareness of MS and much-needed (and appreciated) funds for local MS support services.

RCSI SU Events in aid of MS Ireland:

  • Rag Week, Tues 18th Feb: Speakers Night (featuring our SW Dublin & Kildare Regional Coordinator, Roseanna Dukes)
  • Rag Week, Wed 19th Feb: Grafton St Bucket Collections
  • 1st March: Run-a-Muck

We'll keep you posted about further events throughout the year as they happen!

Please show your support for their efforts, if you can:

Once again, a huge THANK YOU goes to the RCSI SU for selecting MS Ireland - you rock!
