Sign up now for The May 50K starting next week

Spring is in the air, and we’re all getting out and about a bit more. With just over a week to go until The May 50K 2023 kicks off, there’s still plenty of time to get signed up and challenge yourself to walk run or roll 50 kilometres in the month of May. All fundraising is done through our website here where you can log your KM’s, hook up to your fitness devices and blog your way through the month. 

The May 50K  Challenge is a virtual event and can be done anywhere. Clock those KMs on the way into work, around your garden, in the supermarket….it all counts. Take part on your own, create a family team or get your local club involved.  

The May 50K is a great way to improve fitness, clear your mind and not only that you’ll feel an enormous sense of wellbeing knowing that every kilometre you clock is making a difference.  

MS Ireland have teamed up, for a third year with the MSIF, and MS Societies from Canada, The Netherlands, Germany and the UK to Leave MS where it belongs….behind us.   

30% of all funds raised go towards funding life-changing MS Research and 70% goes to local services and supports in Ireland. 
