Stress Management

July's self-management series

The summer holidays are meant to be a time for relaxing, recuperating and ‘de-stressing’. We all have to deal with stress from time to time, but for people with MS stress can be exacerbated by dealing with symptoms and the reality of daily life with a chronic illness. Evidence also suggests that stress may make MS symptoms worse. Here we look at some ways to manage stress and minimise its impact.

One study that looked at the link between stress and MS symptoms, and also some handy stress reduction tips

Some advice on stress management including recognising the warning signs of stress, what can be done to reduce stress and learning to relax.

Some information on stress and anxiety in MS from MS Society UK.

This booklet from Mental Health Ireland contains lots of useful information about dealing with stress, including contacts for support organisations and ‘101 stress relieving tips’.

And finally, check our MS and Me blogger Niamh McCarron’s piece on how she takes the stress out of holiday planning!

If stress continues to be a problem for you over time, you should consult your GP

Further reading

June: Self-Monitoring

May: Exercise and MS

April: Mindfulness

March: Positive Thinking and Challenging Negative Thoughts

February: Personal Relationships and MS 

January: Personal Goals 

In August, we will look at fatigue management
