Vote for 'Able2Access Ireland'

Declan Groeger’s Vision: Information Accessibility Website

Declan was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis 25 years ago. During this time he’s noticed that accessibility to buildings and areas was becoming difficult for him. Also, information on accessible venues for people with disabilities was difficult to source.

He has applied for funding from the Arthur Guinness Project to develop his website highlighting venues around Ireland that are accessible to ALL people. 

'People with disabilities make up in excess of 10% of the population of Ireland, not to mention the ageing population who might find accessibility difficult. I would envisage this site would be of great use to people and their families in planning trips and events. This has the opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of many people living and those visiting Ireland.' 

To show your support please VOTE for Declan

Through The Arthur Guinness Fund, across the markets where Guinness operates, identifies and supports emerging social entrepreneurs. The funding enables them to develop and grow their projects, so they have the resources they need to make a difference to communities and people's lives.

AccesstoAccess has further information on Declan
