Watch Back What If You Cannot Work Webinar

Our host Trevis Gleason welcomed Mary Devereux to talk about her personal experiences with work after her diagnosis, MS Community Worker Siobhan talked about employment entitlements and where to get that information and Sara Ruane, Dip Psych., MIAHIP, MIACP, ICP who is an experienced Psychotherapist. Watch 'What If You Cannot Work' webinar recording below.

The Unspeakable Bits Webinar focused on the many difficult aspects of having to leave employment due to multiple sclerosis. From financial and self-worth issues to family and psychosocial ramifications, being forced to leave our work lives is a major upheaval. Nearly from the moment we hear we have multiple sclerosis, many people with the disease begin to wonder about what it might do to their jobs and careers. While a good number of people with MS remain in employment long after their diagnosis, the fact is that many of us will have to stop working. Then what? 
