World MS Day 29th May

Raise awareness, issues and funds this World MS Day!

World MS Day takes place on Wednesday 29th of May and this year it’s shaping up to be the best ever. Young People with MS is the focus this year with the tag line ‘What’s Your Motto?’ being the theme. We will be joining with people and organisations across the world to raise awareness, raise the issues and raise funds. Come join us!

We’ll be kicking off our World MS Day activities on the 11th of May so all event details will be available then. Sign up for our newsletter so you get all the news when it happens.

Raise Awareness

  • Attend our Young People with MS Gathering in Dublin on the 11th May. The day will focus on achieving goals, employment, education, entitlements and living life to the full.
  • What’s you motto? Share your words of encouragement and strength with the MS community by adding your motto to the official World MS Day website
  • Attend a local event happening near you
  • Organise an event in your community or workplace to raise awareness of MS

Raise The Issues

The improvement of neurological services and neurorehabilitation services is a key area of work for MS Ireland. We believe that people with MS should have access to the appropriate services, resources, treatments and equipment they need to support their health and well being.

We will continue our campaign in the lead up to World MS Day and will be asking you to take part.

Raise Funds

MS Ireland works in every county in Ireland providing one-to-one support, programmes and workshops, counselling, social events and therapies. Help people with MS in your community. What is raised locally is spent locally.

  • Organise a McVitie’s Digestive Tea Party in your home, community of workplace. Buy or bake some goodies, pop the kettle on and invite your family, friends and work colleagues to come along.
  • Get your hands on the guys from the Script, Damien Dempsey, Imelda May, Bressie, Lisa Hannigan or Steve Van Zandt! Bid on a limited selection of signed and framed photographs or buy some small prints from music’s shining lights
  • Volunteer at a collection, sell some MSI pins in your workplace or organise your own event.

May is an extra special month this year as we celebrate European Month of the Brain. As Ireland also has the presidency of the European Union, there will be much focus on Ireland and neurology in May. Lets add to the conversation!

What will you be doing for World MS Day?
