
Displaying 211 - 220 of 1743 Articles
Declan Groeger
18 May 2023


The importance of connections cannot be overstated, and many people take them for granted. It is often confused with Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) Syndrome. Joni Mitchell sums it up beautifully in her song “Big Yellow Taxi” –

“Don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you've got
Till it's gone…”

WMSD 2020
MS Ireland
15 May 2023

I aM Someone Campaign

MS is different for each person impacted by it. They experience different symptoms, with different degrees of severity for different amounts of time. There is no one way to ‘have’ MS, there is no one way to live with MS. Our aim is to showcase a range of experiences so people will better understand that MS is a very individual condition.

MS Ireland Logo
MS Ireland
05 May 2023

MS Ireland Awarded CII's Triple Lock Standard for 2023

MS Ireland is delighted to announce that we have achieved the Charities Institute Ireland Triple Lock Standard for 2023 in recognition for our commitment to good governance, ethical fundraising and transparent financial reporting. MS Ireland are one of only 79 charities in Ireland to have achieved this standard of best practice in 2023.

MS Ireland Logo
27 Apr 2023

Neuro-Mapping Project Launched by Minister Anne Rabbitte

MS Ireland is delighted to have a number of our projects included in the recently launched report on the Neuro-Mapping Project by Minister Anne Rabbitte. MS Ireland has three projects cited namely the Cognitive Rehabilitation Project, the Active Neuro Project and the DSP sponsored CEP Physiotherapy Assistant programme. Full report available here and more details here 
