
Displaying 281 - 290 of 1744 Articles
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MS Ireland
11 Jul 2022

Falls Prevention Study

University College Limerick are conducting a study with the aim of gaining consensus on a core outcome set for evaluating mixed diagnosis falls prevention interventions for people with Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease and Stroke (information sheet below). Participation would include the completion of a maximum of three survey rounds (which take approximately 15 minutes) and optional attendance at an online meeting where the final core outcome set will be agreed. If you are interested in taking part please email


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Mike Stapleton
24 Jun 2022

My Experience as a carer

The idea of life as a carer can be scary. It wasn’t a role I necessarily ever saw myself in but when my wife, Kathleen was diagnosed with MS 22 years ago I knew that no matter what she needed from me – I would do anything in my power to support her. I have never seen caring for Kathleen as a choice. When she needs me, I am there.

MS & Me Bloggers Nadia Christine and Maggie
Christine Murphy
16 Jun 2022


Having a chronic incurable illness like MS can be a lonely experience. As much as those who don't have it do their best to understand it, only other MSers will truly 'get it'. I was offered three sessions with a counsellor after I was diagnosed but I remember sitting and wondering what do say to this nice woman who doesn't have MS but is here to help me? Maybe I just wasn't ready, but I was curious to meet other people around the same age. To see how they were coping. I did eventually.

MS Ireland Logo
MS Ireland
14 Jun 2022

Andy Walsh Climb with Charlie

“Everyone has their own personal mountains to climb. We never know what is around the corner” Charlie Bird said after his global Croagh Patrick fundraiser. Charlie’s journey has been amazing and when he spoke that night on The Late Late about his dream to climb the Reek, something tingled inside Andy Walsh’s body, but it wasn’t one of his usual MS Sensory symptoms, this was something different.

In March 2020, Andy was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and a journey began, alongside a world that was just getting to grips with the Coronavirus pandemic, he began to climb his own personal mountain.

Alison Cotter
13 Jun 2022

Patients Deserve Better Campaign (Neurology Nurses)


The Neurological Alliance of Ireland is the umbrella organisation for neurology patient organisations in Ireland. MS Ireland as members of this organisation have been supporting the Patients Deserve Better Campaign which aims to highlight the lack of neurology nurses across the country. Ireland requires further 100 neurology nurses in order to address unacceptable waiting periods, delays with diagnosis and treatment. Neurology nurses, including MS nurses play a crucial role in the care of people living with neurological conditions.

Austin Fahy, PhD student, Department of Psychology, Maynooth University
09 Jun 2022

Anxiety and MS Study

Exploring the experiences of anxiety in people with MS (PwMS) - study findings so far.

Anxiety can be loosely defined as ‘worry about unpredictable future events.’ Given the unpredictability of MS, it stands to reason that anxiety in people with MS (PwMS) can be a common experience. For example, we know that roughly 25% of PwMS experience “clinically significant” anxiety, which can have a number of negative impacts on people’s daily lives.

The proportion of PwMS experiencing anxiety may have increased further during the Covid-19 pandemic, however less is known about the factors that may help ease the experience of anxiety in MS.

Willeke Van Eeckhoutte 2021
Willeke Van Eeckhoutte
09 Jun 2022

MS and Obesity

This week's MS and Me blog, Willeke tackles the subject of MS and Obesity:



Not words anyone above a certain weight wants to hear.

Including yours truly, especially when uttered by others who appear as fit as a fiddle, have an ideal weight and who are not on a long list of medicines.

I know. I've been there.

MS Ireland Logo
MS Ireland
08 Jun 2022

23rd Annual General Meeting (62nd AGM since MS Ireland’s foundation)

In an effort to reduce costs and with the passing of our Constitution in 2016, we are now able to send AGM notices to you by email.  However, we need you to consent to the furnishing of the accompanying AGM financial documentation via our website instead of by post.  Please complete the webform at the bottom of this page.

We would like to thank those members who have already consented to being provided with the AGM financial documentation via our website. 

Joan Jordan
Joan Jordan
02 Jun 2022

Going Out!

Once COVID-19 lockdown was over, I swore that I was going to get back into the swing of things and life on the Outside. All those months of tracksuit and facemask wearing were over! I had watched pretty much everything on Netflix. I did get a dose of the virus but thankfully, it wasn't as bad as I had feared. Lockdown had taken its toll in general though- both physically and mentally. I still can't say the words "home schooling" without shuddering.

MS Ireland Logo
MS Ireland
02 Jun 2022

World MS Day 2022

World MS Day 2022 took place on Monday May 30th and the theme of this year's campaign was 'Connections'. To coincide with World MS Day  MS Ireland in partnership with Novartis Ireland, held an Art exhibit The Art of MS – Symptoms Under the Spotlight’ featuring 12 original works of art created by people living with MS in Ireland.

We had some brilliant ambassadors sharing their stories on what life is like living with Multiple Sclerosis all of which you can now read and listen back below.
