
Displaying 831 - 840 of 1744 Articles
Niamh McCarron
08 Jun 2017

My MS Fears

This week Niamh McCarron lets us in on challenges she confronts, the bridges she has crossed and the fears that sometimes haunt all our nights. 

MS Ireland
05 Jun 2017

World MS Day Bucket Collection

Wow, what a busy month we’ve had here at World MS Day HQ! Last Wednesday the MS Ireland team donned their red t-shirts, grabbed their buckets and took to Grafton Street to raise funds for MS Ireland. 

Aoife Kirwan
01 Jun 2017

We Are People We Are Ireland

This week to mark the occasion of World MS Day, Aoife Kirwan talks to TDs and Senators in Leinster House about the quality of life for people living with MS in Ireland. Read Aoife's inspiring speech!

MS Ireland
24 May 2017

Dear Me…I’ve just heard the news

Here at the MS Ireland office we’ve been busy reading your letters to my newly diagnosed self. The letters have proved again and again just how unique everyone’s story is and also shone a light on what it means to have MS. You have made a condition shrouded in mystery all the more understandable and visible. So, a big thank you from all of us for your letters so far.
