
Displaying 871 - 880 of 1744 Articles
Michelle Hanley
23 Mar 2017

Love, Family and Grand Plans

This week we have a guest blogger, Michelle Hanley from Cork. She has kindly shared her story with us. We’re calling it 'Love, Family and Grand Plans'. Share your comments and the story with others. 

MS Ireland
07 Mar 2017


MS Ireland has made a detailed submission to the HSE Corporate Pharmaceutical Unit on Sativex. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all the people with MS who completed our short survey on Sativex in January/February as the information collected from this has helped us to develop our submission. Download our submission   

MS Ireland
02 Mar 2017

The MS Barometer

The MS Barometer is a comparative MS survey of the national situation in up to 34 European countries. See how Ireland compares to other countries in a variety of areas including access to treatments, employment and empowerment of people with Multiple Sclerosis.
