MS Ireland launched their campaign for additional funding for the National MS Respite Centre to expand its opening to 350 days per annum and providing an additional 1,248 bed nights annually. MS Ireland is seeking an additional €627,000 funding from the Government to increase respite availability to people with Multiple Sclerosis and other neurological conditions. This can help alleviate pressure points increasingly developing in the residential and home respite care sectors.
Senator Tom Clonan (Ind), speaking at the funding request launch today said “Ireland is an outlier within the EU when it comes to respite and care. The requirement for funding to expand respite is the very minimum that should be done - particularly when we have a budget surplus”.
Ava Battles, Chief Executive Officer of MS Ireland also speaking at the launch said, “Our Respite Centre provides a modern state-of the-art respite service, which focuses not just on providing a break for the People living with MS and their caregivers, but delivers a range of therapeutic services, neurological assessments and many social activities, all designed to revitalise and rejuvenate and help keep people living with neurological conditions well at home”.