
Displaying 201 - 210 of 1744 Articles
Rory Mulcahy
08 Jun 2023

24th Annual General Meeting (63rd AGM since MS Ireland’s foundation)

To be environmentally conscientious and to reduce unnecessary costs, MS Ireland is now able to send AGM notices to our members by email since the passing of our Constitution in 2016. However, we need our members consent to the furnishing of the accompanying AGM financial documentation via our website instead of by post. To allow us to do this please complete the approval form here and return to Alice McKeon, MS Ireland, National Office, 80 Northumberland Road, Dublin 4.

Naomi Donaldson Faces of MS
MS Ireland
01 Jun 2023

Faces of MS Campaign

We know that MS impacts those living with it in different ways and there are over 9,000 people living in Ireland living different lives- NO TWO PEOPLE LIVES ARE THE SAME. This project aimed to highlight this and challenge some of the misconceptions about MS and what people living with MS look like.

World Ms Day Logo
MS Ireland
31 May 2023

Print Media during World MS Day

We had some brilliant ambassadors sharing their stories on what life is like living with Multiple Sclerosis. We have a selection of national, regional and online coverage below. 

MS Ireland - MS News
Led by Professors Jeremy Chataway
& Max Parmar at University College London.
31 May 2023

Octopus Trial

A new trial in the UK is aiming to accelerate the speed at which medications could be tested to establish their effectiveness as secondary progressive MS treatments.

World Ms Day Logo
MS Ireland
31 May 2023

Media TV and Radio during World MS Day

World MS Day took place on Tuesday, 30th May. MS Ireland was represented on television and radio. We had some brilliant ambassadors sharing their stories on what life is like living with Multiple Sclerosis all of which you can listen back below.
