
Displaying 901 - 910 of 1706 Articles
MS Ireland
12 Oct 2016

MS Ireland Response to Budget 2017

MS Ireland shares the disappointment of the Disability Federation of Ireland and other charities that Budget 2017 failed to address key issues for people with MS and other long term illnesses and disabilities.

Joan Jordan
06 Oct 2016

MS Readathon

This week Joan Jordan encourages children & parents to pick up a book, raise awareness of Multiple Sclerosis and get involved in this year's MS Readathon campaign!

MS Ireland
05 Oct 2016

‘Make Work Pay’

MS Ireland was invited to make a submission as part of a consultation by the Department of Social Protection under Strand 3 of the Comprehensive Employment Strategy for People with Disabilities (CES) – ‘Make Work Pay’. Below is a document which summarises the content of MS Ireland’s response.

MS Ireland
04 Oct 2016

Newly Elected Board Members

Robin Bradley, Noelle Burke and Ian MacDougald newy elected Board Members, Anne Restan newly elected Council Representative and Edel O’Kelly re-elected to the Board of MS Ireland 
