
Displaying 1101 - 1110 of 1744 Articles
Declan Groeger
15 Oct 2015

Hobbies, Pastimes, Interests

Hobbies, or pastimes, are an important part of life and they take on an even greater significance when living with a debilitating long term illness like Multiple Sclerosis. It is also important to recognise your limitations and to know when a particular hobby is no longer suitable to a particular point in your life cycle. 

MS Ireland
12 Oct 2015

UPDATE: Living Well with MS Conference

MS Ireland hosted 'Living Well with MS' Conference in Dublin on Saturday, 26th September 2015. In addition to providing information on how diet, exercise, stress management and other wellness strategies can help you manage your symptoms and feel your best, we also held our AGM, council meeting and announced our national award winners.

Joan Jordan
01 Oct 2015

Parenting and MS

I didn’t know that I had MS when I had my kids. I have an eight year old boy and a ten year old girl. Post diagnosis - I decided not to have any more children for many reasons. I won’t go into them today. That’s another blog entirely. I DO want to share a few tips with you about parenting and MS. Things I have learned the hard way. Things I wish I had been told on day one!
