
Displaying 1131 - 1140 of 1744 Articles
Aoife Kirwan
23 Jul 2015

Benefits of Engaging with Other MSers

Recently I've had a few young people who have been recently diagnosed with MS get in touch. I'm always happy to hear from people, because on of the most common themes I see emerge when these young people start to open up is the isolation they feel post-diagnosis. It's hard to be the only one in your family, your friends, and your peer group that has MS. It sometimes feels like nobody understands.  

Joan Jordan
17 Jul 2015

Individual Health Identifiers

I don’t remember too much from the day I got diagnosed in the Lourdes Hospital but I do recall the doctor telling me that I would have to learn to manage my MS. Back then, I didn’t even know what a sclerosis was but I suppose that over the years, I have learned to get along with my lesions- always conscious of the fact that I am at their mercy. I try to get the best out of a bad situation and keep on top of current treatments, research and therapies.

Trevis Gleason
09 Jul 2015

MS Has Changed My Vision

Sometimes we don’t see things as clearly, some things we see more sharply.  One thing that is for certain, MS has changed the way I see things… 
