
Displaying 51 - 60 of 1743 Articles
MS Ireland Logo
MS Ireland
19 Jun 2024

MS Ireland advises to remain informed about potential side effects when using any medication

We understand that recent media reports may have caused concern with our community. We would like to remind you that our Information Line and Community Worker Service are here to support you.

MS Ireland advises all individuals using any medication, to remain informed about potential side effects. It is important to discuss any concerns or unusual symptoms with your healthcare provider. They can provide guidance tailored to your specific medical needs and help you make informed decisions about your treatment.

MS Ireland is committed to providing support, information, and resources to help you manage your condition safely and effectively.

Our Information Line is open Monday – Friday, from 9:30am – 5:00pm. We are here to help.

Grace Kavanagh 2021
Grace Kavanagh
13 Jun 2024

Grace Kavanagh and A Better Me?

This blog title gives me anxiety. What does a “better me” mean? Should I be writing an article like the many I’ve seen where people tell stories about how better their life is since MS diagnosis and how much they have achieved? People climbing mountains or running marathons? I have read a lot where people seem grateful for MS. I’m happy for them but let's get one thing straight from the start - I am not grateful for my diagnosis. MS has in no way improved my life. It sucks and any of the positive things that have come from it, like my learning mindfulness and becoming a calmer person, I like to think I would have discovered in time anyway. 

07 Jun 2024

Patients Deserve Better Campaign 2024

The Neurological Alliance of Ireland’s Patients Deserve Better campaign is calling for regional neurology services in 5 hospitals across the country, in Bantry, Wexford, Portlaoise, Letterkenny and Mayo hospitals. 

Access to a Consultant Neurologist should not depend on where you live yet people with chronic long term neurological conditions are regularly travelling between 60 and 112 km to see their Neurologist. 
