
Displaying 501 - 510 of 1744 Articles
NUI Galway/MS Ireland
14 May 2020

NUI Call for Participants

NUI Galway invite you to take part in a study focusing on the experiences of dating and romantic relationships for Irish adults living with MS. This study may provide useful information for health professionals when working with adults living with MS. 

Grace Kavanagh
Grace Kavanagh
14 May 2020

I'm not a skiver… or am I?

'Maybe I’m like a swan. I look calm and serene on the surface, but my legs are peddling away underneath. In my case, I look disheveled, but my mind is racing, trying to problem solve, trying to cope' Grace Kavanagh

Ciara O Meara
Ciara O'Meara
11 May 2020

International Nurses Day 2020

I am a General Nurse and our current climate has roused so many emotions in me. I am angry that my MS has prevented me from stepping up to the frontline and assisting and supporting my professional colleagues in a time of crisis and need. Ciara O Meara

Mark Mitchell MS & Me Guest
Mark Mitchell
05 May 2020

The MS Care Centre

The MS Care Centre is currently closed for health and safety reasons due to the Corona Virus pandemic. We miss our residents, chats in the coffee dock and our beautiful gardens especially in this weather, but we hope soon it will be filled with laughter and friendship again.

This week our guest blogger Mark Mitchell reminds us of the special place that remains at the heart of MS Ireland.

Willeke Van Eeckhoutte
23 Apr 2020

World Book Day – MS Books

Now more than ever, there is great comfort in getting lost in a good book. Today to mark World Book Day Willeke Van Eeckhoutte shares her love of books and reading.
