
Displaying 531 - 540 of 1744 Articles
Niamh McCarron
Niamh McCarron
19 Dec 2019

My MS Year

It’s hard to believe that another year has gone by, and that we’re going into 2020 in a couple of weeks. I have a sneaky suspicion that I am beginning to show my age when I say things like that. The last 12 months seem to have flown by, with a lot of things going on in my home and work life, as well as in the world of MS.

Teresa McShane
Teresa McShane
26 Nov 2019

MS – Balance in Body and in Life

Everyone needs to look after their general health, both body and mind, but this can be more important when you have been diagnosed with a long-term condition like multiple sclerosis. This week Teresa McShane looks at the changes she has made to achieve a balance in body and in life.

UL Logo
University of Limerick
15 Nov 2019

New Research Study

Bladder dysfunction and management strategies among people with Multiple sclerosis (MS): a qualitative study of people with MS perspectives
